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What does it takes to be a Great Leader

How can people strive to be a great leader?

This is the million dollar question.  There are tons of books about this topic.  You can research all the great leaders like George Washington,  Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JR, and many more.  Do they all share a certain trait to be a great leader?

I have learned so much about the topic of leadership from my many years of living on this earth. Many people will have their own theories of what makes a greatleader.

First of all, You will not be a great leader just by reading books about Leadership. Or trying to fake the top qualities of a great leader.

Leadership is something important to be and it’s important that I share my own personal beliefs n what it takes to be a great leader

One of the biggest misconceptions to me is when people says that leaders are born for the role.


I believe this notion is absolutely false. Sure a 4 year old my have the traits of becoming a leader but a “Great Leader?” is something that is learned as they grow.

The truth is that leaders are made. True leaders have learned many lessons from their past that has shaped them to be who they are today.

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Any boss or leader can tell you what to do and give orders. But a good leader is having a follower understanding that the leader is giving the best order and trusts him.

A great leader is also a great follower. We all have to answer to something.  This is why mentorship is very important and healthy to be part of.

Right After high school I joined the military and I quickly learned that I had some internal skill sets of what it takes to be a leader.

It just wasn’t known until my leaders were able to explain and pull it out of me.  Soon enough I was getting rank very quickly.

I ended up get the rank of Sergent in only 2 short years.  One of the biggest credits to my rapid growth was my section sergent during my Primary Leadership Develop Course (PLDC).  This was the training required prior to getting promoted to the rank of Sergent.

This training was able to tap something inside of me and help mold me to be the person that I am.

Watch my entire video and listen to the best advice I ever received about what it takes to be a leader

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