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Basic Fundamentals of SEO

It’s easier to just focus on the basics fundamentals of SEO


I have been doing Search engine optimization (SEO) for well over 15 years. Throughout the years I came to this simple conclusion:  Just focus on the basics!

My advice to clients is to not really dig to deep into it, unless you plan on becoming an SEO specialist.

Because if you speak with 10 different SEO experts than you are going to get 10 different answers.

Everyone has their theories and formulas.  All these had changed through the years because it’s a Cat and Mouse game.  Internet marketers are always trying to find the secret code to crack into Google’s top 10 lists.

You see Google wants to put out the most relevant links but at the same time Marketers try to manipulate it for their own personal benefits.

Most of the times the manipulation is not in Googles favor because it was not relevant to their “Customers”  Therefore Google from time to time has to change up their Algorithm to adjust.

That is why I call it a cat and mouse game.  All the years I no this simple method. The basic fundamentals of SEO has never changed at all!

See also  Securing your Internet Real Estate by buying your Domain Name

Here is my basic foundation for SEO that everyone needs to know:

  • Onsite SEO – Title Tag Keyword Rich
  • Make Great Content (Stickiness Factor)
  • Back linking
  • Social Media Sharing

This has always remained constant through the years.  Doing this process manually without crazy expensive automation software will always win.

Check out my in depth video guide on Basic SEO for personal Branding

Are you ready to start building your brand online?  Follow the links below

Download the PDF Basics of SEO

Purchase your Internet Real Estate and buy your domain name here

After you buy your name than you need to purchase your Web Hosting Here

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